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These ideas can really make a difference in your fest experience.

1. Bring a good supply of plastic bags to the fest. Large garbage bags can be used for trash, storing dirty clothing, and they can be slipped over your suitcases and other gear to help keep them dry. Small plastic grocery bags can be used for trash inside your tent, keeping wet/soaked clothing separate from dry clothing, as liners inside your boots in case of rain, and for storing your shoes/boots inside your tent while preventing mud from getting all over the tent floor. Large Ziplock bags should be used for storing socks, underwear, first aid items, matches, and anything else that you need to keep absolutely dry.

2. Don't forget a long handled shower/bath brush, a loofah, or an abrasive scrub puff for cleaning yourself. Your skin will be laboring under layers of sunscreen, insect repellant, sweat, dirt, and dust. Abrasive cleaning of the skin will keep you cleaner and feeling much better.

3. Bring a shower basket or a mesh bag (those delicate "laundry" bags that you wash your pantyhose in work well) for toting your soap, razor, shampoo, etc to the showers. The mesh means that your items will be able to dry off on their own, and not get moldy in a plastic bag.

4. Head to a dollar store right before the fest. You can usually score a lot of great stuff that you WON'T mind losing at the fest. Cups, tumblers, dishes, pots, pans, rain ponchos, cosmetics, towels, washcloths, sewing kits, candy, bottled water, cereal, barbeque utensils, single serving packs of potato chips, toilet paper, tissue, tampons, etc.

5. When you go out for fast food and you get those little wet naps, napkins, plastic knives and forks, etc, save 'em for the fest. Hey,its one more thing you DON'T have to buy!

6. The phones at Cornerstone REQUIRE a phone card. They don't accept coins. Buy a prepaid phone card from a REPUTABLE supplier, or bring your own phone card for making emergency calls.

7. Bring and carry around a little notebook and a pen for getting names, numbers, and email addresses of all your new friends. Better yet, print up some "business" cards with your name and email addy and give them to folks.

8. When arranging your gear inside your tent, do NOT allow bags or other items to press against and "stretch" the seams of the tent. This can cause water leakage.

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